Aquarius - The Book of Lifestyle Design is
well-written, thoughtful, and thought-provoking. The author has laid out a plan for overcoming current issues in the environment, education, family, work, and our government.
Reinland presents a somewhat Utopian view of working communities with members who opt to find each other and design their own lifestyles. It reminded me a little of my brief stint in the 1970s living in a commune in Vermont. Rather than discussions as a group,
the vision has been updated to make use of automation and has software designed to implement one's own vision.
With the current world crashing and burning around us, I found this book a refreshing and uplifting view of some ways we might
make our lives better,
as well as those around us. Where I felt it fell short was in a vision for a transition, not that I
have an idea of how to get there. The book left it up to us to elect this lifestyle, but there are so many obstacles in the way of that vision from outside forces. I hope the author follows up with a sequel that addresses this as he has a worthwhile vision of how our lives could be.
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